Social Responsability - Food Bank
As a socially responsible organization, MAISIS promotes and participates in events aiming to stimulate social awareness.
In the context of Social Responsibility, MAISIS participated in the spring food raising campaign of the Portuguese Food Bank, during May 2011, coordinating a local supermarket with a team of volunteers.
The main goal of this action was to make our co-workers aware of the social concerns of the community, in a volunteer way.
Thank You to all the volunteers!
Mon Jun 27 15:55:28 BST 2011
MAISIS takes part in a mission to the nordic countries market
Between the 2nd and the 4th of February MAISIS was, for the first time, in a mission to the nordic countries market, supported by Portic Think-Tank for Portuguese Internationalization and Inova-Ria.
The visit to the Oreseund's region - Copenhagen/Denmark and Malmöe/Sweden- is extremely interesting for the internationalization of the company. This region is also known as the European Silicon Valley.
The mission was foreseen in QREN's project called "Internationalization of the TICE(electronics, communication and information technologies) sector 2011: life quality and education field", and aims to create new and more sophisticated opportunities for the TICE companies in the international market.
MAISIS goal was to create new business partnerships and technological development for its knowledge management product OObian.
This mission was carried in step with AICEP.
Mon Jan 24 12:25:06 GMT 2011
MAISIS among the 200 biggest IT companies
The total annual turnover of the 200 biggest IT companies in 2009 represented 5,8 million euros, an increase of 7% compared to the 5,5 million euros reported in 2008.
2009 was the period when the finantial crisis became an economic crisis, bringing bigger issues for many companies, such as relevant reductions in revenues and difficulties in credit access.
MAISIS ranks 178 with an approximate turnover of 1,7 million Euros. The sustained growth was accomplished through the fidelization and satisfaction of its clients, as well as through new business and marketing strategies such as the offer of new products in our core business: information management.
By the end of 2009 MAISIS had a range of new products and services, not only in the field of document's dematerialization, but also in new sharepoint systems. This way from now on it is possible to assure the offer of associated products and services to the information management value chain: scanning, document management, document lifecycle management, business proccess management, shared content management and knowledge management.
Besides software development in the ECM field, MAISIS implements SHAREPOINT and ALFRESCO projects. In the knowledge management field we have our own deleopment team, with experience of more than 5 years in R&D, the product is called OOBIAN ( www.oobian.com)
Wed Nov 24 10:35:02 GMT 2010
Maisis distinguished as a member of "PME Inovação COTEC" Network
Maisis officially became a member of "PME Inovação COTEC" (innovative SMEs), Network that took place on the 9th November at "Centro Cultural de Belém" (Lisbon), and that was attended by the President of the Portuguese Republic, Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva.
The “PME Inovação COTEC” network is a restrict group of companies designed to develop innovative skills for SMEs
++ promote public recognition of a group of SMEs, examples of value creation for the country through its innovative attitude and activity;
++ establish cooperation networks between the associates of COTEC Portugal and the SMEs network;
++ support specific phases of growth, particularly in attracting significant investment and support for internationalization.
Thu Oct 14 22:41:49 BST 2010
Informal Business Breakfast - Primavera WebCentral
Maisis (PRIMAVERA Global Services Partner) together with PRIMAVERA organized for the second time a Business Breakfast about PRIMAVERA WebCentral solution, aiming to increase business opportunities through new web apllications. The event took place on the 25th of May in Lisbon, and on the 27th May in Oporto.
These sessions, exclusive for PRIMAVERA partners, aim to present the Know How of Maisis in the field of WebCentral, and propose partnerships in order to boost Web projects of its clients. If you have proposals in clients with analysis needs, with bigger demands in what concerns requirements/consultancy in the field, or if you are implementing projects in need of technical support, please don't hesitate to contact us.
For further information about the schedule and the programme, please feel free to contact us through the email comercial@maisis.pt.
Fri Aug 27 09:31:42 BST 2010
Maisis at Mota-Engil day
Mota-Engil hosts SME Innovation Network COTEC
On the 17th November Mota-Engil hosted in "Casa da Calçada" (Amarante) representatives of the companies of SME Innovation Network. The meeting aimed to enhance connections between the Mota-Engil Group and these small and medium inovative enterprises. Inovation and Internationalization were the keywords of the day.
Those are the partners that ME is looking for, inside or outside Portugal, venturing themselves in strategic partnerships bringing know-how, and also local partnerships that involve the knowledge of foreign markets.
MAISIS, a fresh member of this restrict group of stongly innovative enterprises, attended the event. We believe that the only way to be more competitive, inside or outside our frontiers, is to feed new ideas and share our experience in real projects with bigger companies, in different and diverse markets.
Wed Nov 24 10:46:15 GMT 2010
MAISIS distinguished as "PME Líder"
Maisis received the status of PME Líder (SME Leader) for its performance qualities, positioning itself as an engine of portuguese economy in its sector of activity. This award allow us to be part of a limited group of companies that proceed with growth strategies and strengthen their competitive base.
Fri Sep 17 15:50:52 BST 2010
Restart - 20th Congress of Communication
New challenges. New solutions.
The main goal of the congress organized by APDC was to contribute to speed up the economic and social growing in our ever changing world.
Within the slogan "Restart - New challenges. New solutions", more than 1500 attendees and 100 speakers discussed for two days the future of the ICT sector, and also the new paradigms of development in a crisis scenario.
The Information and Communication Technologies sector has a major role in what concerns the actual process of deep change in economy and society. The challenges now faced by Europe and Portugal demand new answers, new approachings, new business models, new partnerships, new entrepeneurs. There is no doubt that the way to face those challenges depends on innovation in several areas and the massive use of technology, highlighting the new generation networks (LAN or wireless), the offer of new products, services and contents capable of answering the new development paradigms differently and effientiently.
MAISIS was present with a small stand in order to receive clients and establish new contacts. This way we felt more capable of contributing to the so needed "collective dynamic" in Portugal.
All about the congress: http://congresso10.apdc.pt. Photo report : http://www.flickr.com/photos/apdc Live streaming http://twitter.com/apdc .
Wed Nov 24 10:43:55 GMT 2010
ICTs and E-solutions for a E-world - Innovative Portugal, the Iberian Market
In order to enlarge the mutual knowledge between portuguese and spanish enterprises, AICEP together with CGD Group,sponsored by several spanish institutions from the Castilla y León region, organized the meeting: ICTs and E-solutions for a E-world. The meeting took place in CONFAES headquarters (Salamanca) on the 14th October.
This meeting is an integrant part of a cycle of business meetings "Innovative Portugal, the Iberian market", taking place in several regions of Spain, thanks to the partnership created by AICEP for the promotion of the best portuguese products.
Around 40 companies, both spanish and portuguese, attended the meeting, oppened by: Tomás Castro, president of AETICAL; Pedro Aires de Abreu, director-coordinator of AICEP's business center in Spain; Isabel Clavero, territorial director of ICEX in Castilla y León; Barnabé Cascón, secretary-general of CONFAES; and Carlos Meira, general subdirector of CGD in Spain. The journey consisted of two pannels.
The first pannel presented the portuguese ICT sector: "The ICT sector in Portugal: Present and Future"
The second one, dedicated to the spanish ICT sector, was called: "The ICT sector in Spain: cross-border opportunities"
Vasco Lagarto (president of the executive comission for ECIT competitivety pole) oppened the portuguese pannel with the presentation: "Competitivity and Technology TICE.PT: general overview"
The oppening was followed by presentations of the following companies: QUIDGEST (Rosa Rodriguez), MAISIS (João Filipe), NOVABASE (João Castro Ramos) e WeDo (Luís Silva).
The spanish pannel started with the presentation of Félix Barrio (innovation manager of INTECO), called "Innovation in ICT security and cooperation Portugal-Spain".
The presentetions proceeded in the following order: Isabel Clavero Mañueco (ICEX director for Castilly y León), España Technology for life: a bet for the internacionalization and cross-border cooperation "; Roberto Vidal (Xeridia), presented "Business open source for the development of safety solutions".
After the presentations, there was a debate moderated by Tomás Castro. Most of the questions concerned the possibilities of a cross-border cooperation, trough cooperation protocols and the creation of clusters between companies from both countries. It was concluded that future meetings are needed in order to foster new common projects, including the possibility of virtual meetings that AETICAL wants to create next year.
Spanish institutions involved:
AETICAL - Federación de empresas del sector de las Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicaciones y Electrónica de Castilla y León
INTECO - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías de la Comunicación, S.A.
AEI-SRSI – Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora para la Seguridad de las Redes y los Sistemas de Información
CONFAES – Confederación de Organizaciones de Empresarios Salmantinos
CEX – Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (Delegação de Valladolid)
AZEINFO – Asociación Zamorana de Empresarios de Informática
Portuguese enterprises and entities:
by AICEP - Portugal Global
Portugal Tecnológico 2010
Portugal Tecnológico ("Technological Portugal"), the nation's largest technology and innovation show, took place from 22nd to 26th September at the FIL exhibition center, Lisbon.
We believe that 2010 edition was a success due to its innovation nature, provided by the innovative solutions that will be presented by several companies, particularly by MAISIS.
MAISIS Annual Activity 2010
On the 25th September, MAISIS held the 4th edition of its annual activity.
This activity consists of several outdoor activities, aiming to promote the team spirit and the amusement among MAISIS employees and their families.This kind of activities are a good way to develop HR satisfaction, as a part of organizational culture development.
Certification NP EN ISO 9001:2008
MAISIS is proud to announce that is now certified by NP EN ISO 9001:2008 standard in the field of development and integration of information systems’ products and services.
This certification assures the internal organization quality and the use of certified methodologies in the pursuit of customers’ satisfaction.
With this award we want to guarantee customers trust, becoming even more competitive worldwide.
MAISIS News in "Diário de Aveiro" - World Search Project
MAISIS collaborated with "Diário de Aveiro" (Aveiro's daily newspapper), on the 6th of July, publishing an article in the INOVA-RIA collumn, unveiling one of our recent projects.
World Search project - to place Portugal among the 3 first referenced EU countries in the field of research technologies:
The project is promoted by Microsoft, and aims to support reseach and development of future research technologies. We are talking about general information, business related, with semantic relevance and within the framework of the portuguese language, culture and market. This investment will result in a modular platform, visible in the market through 3 pilots in different domains: portuguese WEB, local public administration and health.
The project is developed by a consortium of companies - PT COM, MAISIS, IZONE, MSFT, PONTO C, among others - that believes that the solutios and results to come, will trully improve their actual and future business requirements.
MAISIS believes that an effective incorporation will happen in the project's scientific advancements, introduced by many R&D business centers and also academic institutions (ISEP, Universidade de Aveiro, FCUL), in a R&D collaborative perspective.
The expected results will aim to improve the serach domain, as well as an important component of a national strategy for the information and communication technologies.
Search tools will also become more important within companies' IS/IT investments: the change of paradigm in the use of information "dragged" by WEB 2.0, transforming the consumer in "prosumer", through blogs, social networks, Wikis, among many others, force us to improve the inscreasing research mechanisms. As a matter of fact, more intelligent mechanisms are being demanded, not only to make the reseacrh easier, but also to find what really matters! (STOP SEARCHING, START FINDING!).
After the content sharing (text, photo, video) phenomenon, the need to find relevant information in a short time seems to be the main goal. Now we wikk witness another phenomenon, not only connection people (WEB 2.0), but connecting contents in a usefull way, in order to get knowledge and reach wisdom.
Quoting doctor Daniel Serrão, in the launching of his last book, "The future of the Man is to live in collective universe of communicating intelligences, there won't be masters to teach, nor pupils to lear. Everyone will learn with everyone."
The future is smarter. The future is Search 3.0"
MAISIS as “Microsoft Certified Partner”
MAISIS obtained, in June 2010, the Microsoft Certified Partner label. This Microsoft official certification attests the “high level of competence and expertise” in their technologies.Microsoft Certified Partner is not just a certificate. It represents the access to a large range of Microsoft resources and solutions, that improve partners performance through exclusive training sessions, virtual labs, online tutorials, access to analysts opinions and many other benefits that improve our solutions performance.
Wed Jun 16 13:27:57 BST 2010
World Search Microsoft Project
World Search Microsoft is an I&D project for future research technologies, general information and business-relevant semantics, with proper knowledge of Portuguese language, culture and market. This project is undertaken by a consortium of several companies, including MAISIS, in collaboration with several corporate R&D centers and academic institutions.
The main goal of this project is to place Portugal, in 2015, among the top 3 reference EU countries in Internet domain and corporate search technologies, increasing and making search domain a key component of portuguese strategy for Communication and Information Technologies.
Mon Jun 14 11:12:54 BST 2010
MAISIS@Dialectica 2010
MAISIS, from 20st to 22nd May, was at the most important event organized by Primavera BSS.
This event, Dialéctica 2010, has as main goal the definition of guidelines for coming actions, together with Primavera partners and employees. MAISIS, as Global Services Partner, will collaborate in those strategies definition.
OOBIAN Spanish and Portuguese demos now available!
In response to several requests from the Iberian market, OOBIAN Portuguese and Spanish demo videos are now available.
Please go to http://www.oobian.com/home/demos to watch them
MAISIS@Microsoft Techdays 2010
Silverlight Enterprise Mashups: Case study applied to Knowledge Management in Microsoft Techdays 2010
On the 21 st April, MAISIS presented a case study using its Knowledge Management application OOBIAN, in Microsoft Techdays event. This presentation showed the integration between several technologies and framewoks, like as PRISM, Ribbon, WCF, BingMaps, Kit3D, as a way to explain Mashups concepts.
See our demo and trial in http://www.oobian.com/.
For further information please go to http://www.techdays2010.com/
MAISIS has been invited to participate in the event “ORESUND@Portic” held on April 19th, in Oporto.
This event is sponsored by the Danish nonprofit organization “Oresund IT” and will have several Danish companies’ representatives. This event has as main goal the networking between Danish and Portuguese IT companies.
For further information please go to http://oresundportic.eventbrite.com/.
Thu Apr 15 19:08:11 BST 2010
MATURE Project
MAISIS is the latest MATURE partner, a large-scale integrating project (IP), co-funded by the European Commission, Unit for Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). MASIS first contribute will be on the 16th April, in Vienna, Austria. This partnership is part of MAISIS international strategy and vision, towards the recognition of its Knowledge Management product, OOBIAN ( www.oobian.com). For further information, please go to http://mature-ip.eu
OOBIAN site in Portuguese is now available!
OOBIAN site in Portuguese now available! Go to www.oobian.com
MAISIS as "Primavera Global Services Partner"
MAISIS is now a member of Primavera BSS partners’ network. This partnership involves service providing and solutions development based on Primavera BSS products and solutions, from installation and implementation to training and support to end users. Considering Primavera BSS value in the worldwide market, this strategic partnership will certainly bring the best synergies and business opportunities for MAISIS. ( www.primaverabss.com)
MAISIS Annual Activity 2011
On the 10th September MAISIS is going to organize the fifth edition of its Annual Activity.
The event combines nature and adventure, and aims to motivate and enhance the communication and relationships between co-workers, contributing to a positive work environment.
CeBIT 2010 was a fantastic experience
After one of the biggest world events in Knowledge Management - KMWorld – MAISIS took part as an exhibitor at CeBIT 2010 in Hannover, from 2 to 6 March, having once more, the opportunity to present their innovative products. We thank everyone that we met and talked about OOBIAN. The feedback was better than we expected! If you missed us at CeBIT, please send an email to sales@oobian.com.
COLEPCCL implements ECM, a whole new system
COLEPCCL, using a market survey of ECM systems and specialized consultants in documentation management/ BPM has selected MAISIS, amongst several other leading IT companies, as their preferred partner in this field.
COLEPCCL is the European leader in the production of aerosol and liquid, being involved in personal hygiene ranges, cosmetics, home hygiene and non prescription drugs. It is also a leading supplier of marketplace solutions/options for the metallic and plastic packaging. The company has as their main client, the major multinational brands of consumer goods, as well as the most important companies in the Iberian Peninsula, operating on the industrial and food sector.
Tue Nov 02 16:51:26 GMT 2010